Final Lab Practical Test



Listed below are the items that might appear on the Lab Practical Final


Some General Hints for Studying:


·          Know the characteristic cells/organs/structures for each phylum.  Also know their functions and composition as applicable.

·          Be able to connect organisms with their phylum (everything), Class (most Phyla), Order (insects only), and Genus (prepared slides only)

·          Study the specimens, slides, and dissections.  Know the relevant structures and their functions.  Also know anatomical terms, i.e. posterior, anterior, left, right.

·          You may use one 3x5 card of notes (front & back) on this exam…they must be your own hand-written notes. Diagrams are fine, but no computers, photocopying, etc.

·          There will be stations throughout the classroom with dissected specimens of the different invertebrates we have studied in the labs this semester. You will be asked to answer questions based on the specimens.



o       Slides of spicules and Grantia

o       Sponge specimens



o       Slides of Hydra, and Obelia

o       Coral specimens

o       Jellyfish specimens



o       Planaria

o       Tapeworm slides



o       Ascaris

Gender, Female dissection: intestine, genital pore, vagina, uterus, ovary, oviduct      




o       Specimens (class and phylum)

o       Clam / mussel dissection:

Left/right sides, umbo, mantle, gills, Palps, foot, visceral mass, gonads, digestive gland, intestine, siphons

o       Squid Dissection

            Pen, siphon, ink sac, beak, fins,




o       Earthworm Dissection:  pharynx, crop, gizzard, intestine, clitellum, sperm-storing sacs, segment #9-10, 14-15, aortic arches



o       Specimens (Class & Phylum)

o       Insects- 8 main orders, examples

o       Crayfish Dissection


Exoskeleton,  chitin, carapace, cepalothorax, abdomen, chelipeds, cervical grove, rostrum, antennaea, antennules, compound, eyes, maxillipeds, maxillae, mandible, walking legs, swimmerettes (and gender), uropods, telson, 


intestines, flexor/extensor muscles, stomach, green gland, brain, digestive gland, heart


o       Specimens (Class & Phylum)

o       Sea Star anatomy