Hello and welcome to the podcast for the Coastal Redwood tree. Well as you can see the redwood is the giant of the plantae kingdom. Now the redwood, like all conifers, is a gymnosperm, and uses cones to house the seeds, now find a cone...now find some seeds...these seed can be distributed up to 400 feet from the parent plant.

The leaves or needles on this plant are very interesting as well. If you look at the branches you will notice that the branches branch out more and more increasing the amount of surface area by allowing more needles to grow. See it? cool. these needles are very specially adapted to the redwood's habitat. The redwood lives in the Northern California near the coast where dense fog commonly come in. When a thick fog comes in the tree can absorb the moisture from the air.

The bark is also very specially adapted. If you look at it, it is very thick and more or less fire resistant. These two things combined help the tree in the case of a forest fire.

Now that we're done with the observations, we can go over some interesting facts. The tallest tree ever recorded was 379.1 feet tall and is the oldest living thing. Although Nature magazine claims that they could grow up to 450 feet tall. The last special fact is that the tree is named after the Native American cheif Sequoyah.

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