
Powdery Mildew-

This fungi is found on plants that aren't exposed to enough air or recieve enough water. It results in a powdery substance covering the leaves that distrots the color and texture of the leaves to a crinkly brown. New foliages also emerge distorted.

>>prevention and control: Expose the shrub to just the right amount of water and air. Also, make sure that the shrub is watered
from below so that no water touched the foliages.


Rot Rot (pythium)- This diseases becomes present when soil moisture levels exceed a moderate level and the fungal spores that are in the soil touch the shrub. It causes the leaves to change its normal color and become smaller than they normally are, thus making the leaves die. Furthermore, the roots of the shrub change colors and die out.

>>prevention and control: Don't expose the water to too much water. If the shrub shows signs of having such a disease, replant the shrub and remove damaged roots.