You might be asking yourself how I will be able to identify a Deodar Cedar. Well, the answer is simple. Deodar Cedars have many identifying features that are not too difficult to find. Some characteristics are its tall stature, leaves, and shape. Deodar Cedars can grow up to 150 feet! However, are normally found at about 50 feet. The leaves are unique, they grow in bundles of 20 to 30, which have a length of about 2 inches, and are quite pokey, so watch your hands!
The tree also has a pyramidal shape with the lower branches bending downward. The Deodar Cedar is native to the Himalayas located in India; it grows best in Hardiness zones 7 to 9, meaning locations with generally mild winters. It has a medium growth rate meaning it grows about 13 to 24 inches a year.
In the fall, you will be able to see both male and female cones. Female cones are seeds and grow to be about 7.5 to 10 cm. They are oval, brown in color and require about 2 years to mature. Male cones are pollen and are smaller. They are generally 5 to 7.5 cm long and release yellow pollen in the fall.
Due to the tall stature of the Deodar Cedar, it does well in sun, since little can give it shade. It also has a good wind and drought tolerance once well established.
The Deodar Cedar is a unique tree; it is one of the most popular cedars used for landscaping and has the strongest wood of all the cedars. It has also been used to treat tuberculosis in Asia, so who would not want to have such an important tree in their backyard?

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