AP Biology Course Description

Mr. Peevyhouse


Course Overview

            AP Biology is a second year of high school biology. It aims to provide students with the conceptual framework, factual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing science of biology. The first semester includes the topics of (1) Molecules and Cells, and (2) Heredity and Evolution. The second semester includes the topics (3) Organisms and Populations.  This course is designed to be the equivalent of a college introductory biology course usually taken by biology majors during their first year.  Students who successfully understand the concepts covered during the year will be prepared to take the AP Biology Examination.   See College Board website for course outline. The textbook used is Biology in Focus, Campbell, AP Edition



Students must complete (a) Biology and (b) Chemistry P, ChemCom or Chemistry AP; Grade of A or B recommended.  On UC/CSU Approved Course List: d


Time studying ¹ learning

Some students accustomed to scoring high marks on tests may score lower and start to doubt themselves, their teacher, and the course because they forget that they are taking a college level course with standards that are higher. Just doing the notes/labs/homework does not mean that one understands the material.  The only way we know whether or not students truly understand the concepts and can apply them to new situations is the score on the test.  A true understanding of the concepts is necessary... not just the memorization of some facts.  That is often the difference with an AP class. 



Chapters are covered quickly with tests almost every week.  Tests have questions that are high level requiring you to “take the next step” and apply the information you learned to a situation that you may have not seen before. The final exams are cumulative.   Individual assessments make up the vast majority of your grade.



            Students report spending approximately 4 hours/week on average working on homework including notes, study guides, lab reports, reading the text and learning the concepts covered– the majority of the time is spent actually learning/understanding the material.  Realize that this is an average; therefore, many students must spend much more time studying to get the same result.  Plagiarism/cheating (including the copying of assignments) will not be tolerated and result in forfeiture of credit and disciplinary action.  Maintain 100% integrity.



            All work must be turned in on time as late work is not accepted.  If you have an excused absence (see student handbook for excused absence), you are allowed one day of make-up time for each day missed to receive credit.  No late work will be accepted for unexcused absences.  Please refer to the student handbook for the tardy policy (we will discuss this extensively in class).  You may drop your lowest test score for the semester if you have <3 tardies.  There is no extra credit.



Grades will be posted regularly on School Loop.  You are expected to be able to log on to get your grades. 









90-100%        A




80-89%          B




70-79%          C




60-69%          D

Below 60%     F









            Be proactive and communicate with me. (tpeevyhouse@djusd.net)  Office hours are after 6th period and by appt.  For assignments, grades, communication, study links, podcast, AP Exam info, etc…you should be regularly visiting visit my web sites at:






The use of electronic devices in class (phones, MP3 players, etc.) is prohibited and will result in the confiscation of the device and consequences in accordance with school policy.   However, there will be specific times when the teacher will require you to use these devices with permission to complete a specific task.  You may never record during class (video/audio/pictures) without the specific permission of the teacher.


Student Handbook

            You are responsible for understanding and following all policies in the student handbook since I follow these school policies in my classroom.  Read them carefully.


Successful Students

            We have observed that successful students have the following characteristics:

·                     Successfully completed prerequisite courses

·                     Good attendance

·                     Attentive/focused during class; actively engaged in discussion, note taking, etc.

·                     Ask questions to clarify understanding; discuss/explain topics with classmates

·                     Self-motivated

·                     Independent learners; willing to spend time learning outside of class

·                     Able to make connections between concepts covered throughout the year

·                     Responsible for making up missed work/tests; communicate directly with teacher

·                     Good test taking skills

·                     Strong critical thinkers able to grasp abstract concepts


AP Biology

More info about the course can be found at https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-biology/course-details